What Is January In Tucson?

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What is January in Tucson?

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For three weeks each year, the January in Tucson accelerated education event brings together distinguished faculty in the field of Indigenous governance, law, and policy for an opportunity to teach and hold discussions with Indigenous leaders, practitioners, community members, and anyone interested in Indigenous rights.

The result is more than just a series of courses on Indigenous affairs. JIT 3-day, 1-credit (CEU or graduate) courses not only convey important information backed by research, but they allow space for a crucial dialogue to occur between Indigenous peoples from all over the world. This conversation provides new perspectives to familiar challenges, and helps to make JIT a truly unique educational experience.

January in Tucson 2025 Numbers

Hear from JIT alumni

info for JIT 2025 students

UArizona students register through UAccess

Anyone can register and take courses!

If you seek certification, we offer the following:

Continuing Education Certificate (CEC)

This option is for individuals who:

  • Are seeking courses for professional development
  • Do not need university credit
  • Will complete six January in Tucson (JIT) courses

Register for the CEC

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)*

For licensed attorneys who:

*Registration in each course may qualify for up to 12 hours of CLE credit for State Bar of Arizona members, including 0 hour(s) of professional responsibility. The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education requirement. Contact the State Bar of Arizona for more details. For details on CLE eligibility outside of Arizona, please contact your State Bar Association.

January in Tucson credits may be applied to the Indigenous Governance Graduate Program. This option is for individuals who:

  • Are applying to be a candidate in the University of Arizona’s Masters of Professional Studies in Indigenous Governance Program; or applying to be a candidate in the Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Governance Program
  • Are seeking university credit toward a degree at another institution
  • COST: $867 USD (Or current tuition rate paid to the University of Arizona) 
  • Please contact IGP@arizona.edu for more details


Course Cost

JIT courses are $750 each. Funding is available for qualified applicants through the Native Nations Institute's Tribal Professionals Cohort program. We offer case-by-case rate reductions for individuals experiencing financial hardship. Please contact us for more information.

Courses are offered in person at the James E. Rogers College of Law. All course materials will be available on UArizona's online course platform, Desire 2 Learn (D2L).